Tuesday 1 July 2008

Wesley Snipes - Snipes Pleads To Be Allowed To Film Abroad

Troubled Hollywood star WESLEY SNIPES is begging a judge to let him leave the U.S. so he can shoot two movies in Britain and Thailand, while he is appealing his conviction for tax fraud.

The Blade star was handed a three-year prison sentence in April (08) after officials found him guilty of failing to file taxes for five years.

The 45-year-old is currently free on appeal, and has filed paperwork requesting permission to shoot Gallowwalker in London and Chasing The Dragon in Bangkok, insisting the money he earns from the two projects will "satisfy his civil tax liabilities".

In court documents, filed on Wednesday (25Jun08), Snipes' lawyer Daniel Meachum insists the actor is not a flight risk because "were he to abscond under these circumstances, it would destroy his ability to earn a living for the rest of his life."

Meachum adds, "Mr.Snipes will, of course, voluntarily return after his work on this film - as he has done each time he has been granted permission by this court."

But Snipes' request may be hampered by the fact the movie star failed to return to America immediately after charges were brought against him in 2006 - he was filming Gallowwalker in Namibia.

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